Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Creating some Documentation

Like every week beginning we are again here talking about our project.
This week I made a choice about task scheduling, deciding to work simultaneously on documentation's creation and WebUI design.
I agreed with my mentor this choice because I saw that documentation is an easy task that could be done during WebUI developing period even if this task was scheduled later in the timeline. Another reason is that if it passed a long period between the development of a module and its documentation, it would certainly be more difficult to remember the implementation choices and how it works.
So I started to creating a comprehensive documentation for the developed modules using perlpod.
But this didn't stop work on WebUI and his parts.
Now we have a structure for the tiles and his disposition in the page.
I chose isotope for buttons arrangement as suggested by mudler, than I created a page where we could find the button detail and a page where there are the grid view of this tiles.
I have planned to use some kind of images and a transitional background to understand if the GPIO is on or off.
To ensure the DB back end interoperability I will create a class that will provide me all info about the tiles and their status simply querying seamlessly the DB.
Now I must focus my work on creating an easy to use admin page for adding GPIO conf and more in an intuitive manner.
I hope that job will go on fast and we will collect a good results.
So for next news in a week folks. Stay tuned! 

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